Listening. Learning. Leading.

Leadership Snapshot

2023-2024 School Year

Classroom Visits

Recommendation Letters Written

Extracurricular Activities Attended

One-on-One Student Interview Hours

My Leadership Model

as FMSD School Board Trustee

As a member of the governing body of the Fort Mill School District, the heart and center of all I do is work to Build Relationships with district administrators, teachers, and families based on mutual respect, collegiality, and a joint commitment to my top four priorities as a Trustee: Mitigating Growth, Ensuring Success for All, Prioritizing Safety, Modeling Unity.

Surrounding these priorities, I believe in a culture of Accountability in goal setting and progress tracking, Integrity in decision making, Courage in making unpopular choices if best for our student body, Innovation in challenging the status quo, and Adaptability in embracing change.

To do my part in creating this culture and making wise decisions in the best interests of the entire district, I wholeheartedly aim to be highly Visible and Approachable to all who are invested in our success.

It is through my thousands of conversations each year that I Listen to the district’s concerns, Learn the reasons and root causes behind these issues, Engage with the schools and community to seek solutions, and Lead the way in seeing solutions come through to fruition.

Authentic Leadership Above All

As a Board Trustee, an Executive, a Community Servant, a Father…

My top priorities in each of my various roles shift with the seasons, but my leadership model remains.

It is core to who I am - no matter who I’m talking to or which room I’m walking into.

You can count on me to just be me!

I’m All In. Are You?