We’re All All In

  • July 31, 2024

    I enthusiastically recommend Mr. Anthony Boddie for the position of school board member for Fort Mill Schools. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Boddie since 2016 (when I became an educator in the district) – prior to him becoming a part of FMSD School Board. Upon his election, he was one of the first school board members I came to know because he made it a point to be a presence in my school. He would make it a point to stop in, say hi to not only me – but to each and every student. We never knew when he would stop by as he made it a point for his visits to be authentic and not staged.

    He has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to education and the well-being of our community’s children. Mr. Boddie has been actively involved in numerous educational initiatives and community programs, showcasing an unwavering dedication to improving all of our schools. His efforts have had a significant impact in the district and on the educators – which have benefited countless students and families.

    One of Mr. Boddie’s most notable qualities is his willingness to step foot in each and every school, attend all sporting events (and make time for his own family), and his ability to collaborate effectively with diverse groups of stakeholders. One thing I always notice is how excited students are when they see him; generally teens shy away from adults, but the teens at our high schools flock to Mr. Boddie because they know he’s there to support them – no matter their school colors! 

    Mr. Boddie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. He has an exceptional solid understanding of the educational landscape, including the challenges and opportunities facing our schools. He appreciates the culture that’s a part of Fort Mill’s tapestry, but also is willing to take the lead on initiatives that will continue to make Fort Mill Schools a competitive and top notch district in the nation. 

    Furthermore, Mr. Boddie is a person of integrity and vision. He consistently demonstrates sound judgment, ethical decision-making, and a forward-thinking approach that prioritizes the long-term success of our students. His commitment to transparency and accountability guided me in reaching out to him as I’ve worked towards strengthening my administrative skills.

    His dedication, experience, and collaborative spirit make him an outstanding candidate who will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that our schools provide the highest quality education for all students. My family and I wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Boddie. I am proud to call him a mentor as well as a friend.


    Brittny M. Meekins Ervin

Brittny Ervin, Dean of Students at RHSD, Former FMSD Teacher

  • August 4, 2024

    A little over four years ago I was asked if I would entertain having a conversation with Anthony Boddie who was running for school board for the Fort Mill School District. Fast forward four years and I am grateful for that interaction. Based on what I have personally witnessed, I will continue to support Anthony as a dedicated Trustee in our amazing district!

    My third child graduated from the FMSD this year. Having lived in the district for 20 years I have had the opportunity to volunteer and interact along side many current and past school board members. I have observed what type of amazing people make up our school board and I would like to share with you why I completely support Anthony Boddie for reelection.

    Visibility and approachability are two key qualities Anthony possesses. Anthony has been a staple at so many school events across the district over the past 4 years. I have personally witnessed him in attendance at too many events to count. Seeing him attend the State Cheer Competition in Columbia is just one of the many events he has taken the time to travel to and support our student athletes. It is not just the fact that he attends all these school events, but he is always engaging with the students, athletes, school administrators, staff and parents.  His constant presence & the passion he shows in his actions whether it is at a school activity or answering the many questions that are thrown his way, you definitely walk away knowing he is committed to the integrity of his board position and getting you answers. 

    He does not back away from any conversation and exemplifies what he said he would do if elected four years ago, listen, learn, and engage with a collective whole. I have personally reached out to Anthony on many occasions with questions or concerns and have always appreciated his honesty and respected his feedback.

    I witnessed his true passion in serving the students of this district when he sat down with my daughter to write her a letter of recommendation for her college applications. The hours he spent talking with her and the positive impact he had as they discussed all she has accomplished and her goals moving forward, turned in to the most sincerely amazing recommendation letter I have ever read and brought tears to my eyes. Forever grateful for the time and effort he put forth away from his family and responsibilities to help her achieve her goals.

    Based on everything I have knowledge of, witnessed, experienced, and learned over the past four plus years of knowing Anthony Boddie, I completely support him for reelection as a Trustee of the Fort Mill School Board. 

    Thank you,

    Kerry Arnold

The Arnold Family

  • July 30, 2024

    I first met Mr.Boddie at one of our girls varsity basketball games. He is the first and the only school board member that I've held a conversation with or seen at any school sporting events. He always greeted my team and myself with a smile and never failed to offer support to us in whatever we were doing. He even traveled over 3 hours with our team to Charleston, South Carolina just to support us.

    I got to know Mr.Boddie on a more personal level after asking him to write a letter of recommendation for me. Not only did he take the time out of his busy work schedule to help me, a student, he took the time to have a sit down with me and learn more about me. This reflects the pure, and generous heart that Anthony Boddie has. He goes above and beyond doing the things he does not have to do and that is someone we should take pride in having on our school board.

    I whole-heartedly support the reelecting of Anthony Boddie for the Fort Mill school board. He is an authentic, driven, and confident man of his word. I am extremely grateful for the connection I have with Mr.Boddie and I would love to see him continue to exude his passion and devotion to other students. Anthony Boddie is someone we need to see as a Board of Trustee for the Fort Mill School District.

Kennedy Williams, Recent NAFO Grad

  • July 31, 2024

    My wife and I have lived in Fort Mill SC since 2008 and have brought up our daughter through the Fort Mill school district since she was in kindergarten. We have seen the benefits and strengths not only through the district’s academics but through their athletic program as well. She will be graduating from NAFO in 2025 and we are truly blessed for the education she has received.

    We met Anthony early on through our neighborhood in Springfield but saw him consistently attend almost every one of our daughters volleyball games over the years. It was impactful because in my experience you typically don’t see many board members attend that many games and literally stay for the duration of the game. He truly gave us a feeling of trust and reliance for our community.

    We proudly support Anthony for reelection to the Fort Mill school board. It’s important for the town to have someone that’s dedicated to improving our community. I know he will undoubtedly continue to drive positive change and growth. His reelection will signify continued progress and a brighter future for our beloved town. We are honored to know Anthony, and our community and neighborhood is lucky to have him.

    Best Regards,

    Morrall Unitas Clyburn

The Clyburn Family

  • July 29, 2024

    Janet and Brian Falkner are writing this statement to convey our whole hearted support for Anthony Boddie’s continued service on the Fort Mill School Board.  As parents who moved to Fort Mill in 2015 to provide a better life and education for our 3 sons, we appreciate leaders such as Anthony who dedicate themselves to helping us realize this vision.  Simply put, no one out works Anthony. Whether it is listening to opposing views, mentoring students, attending events, rallying support for school funding initiatives or writing recommendations for graduating seniors, Anthony’s schedule is a testament to his commitment to our community.  Janet and I are blessed to call Anthony a friend and know he will continue to tirelessly work to maintain Fort Mill’s excellence in the midst of rapid growth.

The Falkner Family

  • July 20, 2024

    My family and I have known Anthony for about 10 years and are proud to call him a family friend. Living in the same community, we’ve had the opportunity to interact with him in various settings. I’ve experienced first-hand his genuine desire to help others and the resulting relationships that he’s built thru his community involvement. Serving on the same local nonprofit board that Anthony chairs, I’ve witnessed the leadership qualities he brings our team to help us achieve our goals. Additionally, participating in the same Friday morning men’s group for the past few years I can testify to Anthony’s true heart and faith.

    With three children currently attending Fort Mill Schools (FMES, FMMS and Nation Ford HS), I continue to be impressed by Anthony’s presence at various school functions. It’s hard to attend a sporting event, awards ceremony or other school activity without bumping into Anthony. He seems to be everywhere and his personal involvement with students is a testament to his genuine concern for their growth both scholastically as well as personally. Additionally, he’s taken the time thru the years to write over 300 letters of recommendation for students applying to colleges and universities, using his own personal touch thru individual interviews with each student. He goes above and beyond for every student.

    Anthony has our full support for reelection to the Fort Mill School District. We’re all fortunate to have a strong community leader like Anthony who selflessly serves us all.

The Fore Family

  • July 30, 2024

    Our family has known Anthony for almost 2 years and in that short time I have seen his servant leadership first hand. We have seen him at numerous school events where he is a champion of all things Fort Mill Schools. I have also seen Anthony take the time out of his day to write letters of recommendation for local children attempting acceptance into surrounding Universities. He is an advocate of the youth in our community and I’m delighted to know that he is running again for a school board position. Our schools hold the key to our children’s future and it’s reassuring to know people like Anthony will be a part of it.

The Martin Family

  • August 4, 2024

    My husband, Brian, and I first met Anthony Boddie at Blues BBQ back in 2020. He was having dinner with a mutual friend of ours and we stopped to say hello.  And if you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Anthony yet, he does not meet a stranger. He is a salt of the earth guy, genuine, and friendly. He quickly introduced himself and I recognized his name right away.  My neighbors had a sign in their yard endorsing him for school board. It was nice to put a face with the name.  After having the opportunity to meet and speak with Anthony we also voted for him for school board.  Best decision we could have made for our school district. 

    We moved to Fort Mill from North Carolina in 2005 because of the sought after school district. Brian and I have four boys.  Lane is our oldest. He graduated from CRHS in 2022.  He was a student athlete and played varsity football and baseball. Mason just graduated from CR this past May. He also was a student athlete playing varsity football and track.  Zach is a rising senior and our third student athlete. He plays varsity baseball for Catawba. Carson is our youngest, a rising freshman and also a student athlete playing football and running track in the spring.  As you can imagine our sports schedules are insane. We didn’t think anyone else could be as busy as we were… until we met Anthony Boddie. That man was at almost every event we attended and if he wasn’t I saw on social media he was cheering on another sport or band competition or school event that was happening in the district.  His attire would humor me because he was proudly representing all three high schools at any event.  A NAFO hat with a FM polo and a CR vest. Never bias and always cheering on all our athletes, high school bands, and students!  

    This past year Carson was in an eighth grade debate at Forest Creek and he came home gloating that he saw Mr. Boddie at his debate.  Brian and I were not at all surprised because over the years we have continually seen Mr. Boddie supporting not only our boys and their schools but all of Fort Mill’s students, teachers, and schools.  

    Mr. Boddie has a passion to make sure we have the best schools in the district. He has served our school board like no other.  He is present and impactful. He talks the talk and walks the walk.  He is a blessing to our community and we couldn’t be more excited to endorse Anthony Boddie's Re-Election for Fort Mill School Board!  He 100% has our vote and I hope he can count on yours this November!"

The Boutwell Family

  • August 7, 2024

    We have followed Anthony Boddie’s community service since he first ran for School Board.  During that time, we have been extremely impressed with his commitment to the School District and the community. We have four children who have grown up in the Fort Mill School District. During his tenure we have seen him at dozens of sporting events whether or not his daughter is participating.  He seems to have endless energy for the community.

    Two traits really stand out to us about Anthony.  The first is his open-mindedness.  He always seems willing to listen to a variety of different viewpoints and is open minded to different perspectives.  We really appreciate his curiosity and willingness to dive into issues that are important to his role.  The second is his dedication to the kids that attend school in Fort Mill 4.  Our daughter recently graduated from Nations Ford and will attend college this fall.  Anthony sat down with her and spent 5+ hours getting to know her so that he could write a college recommendation. The result was one of the most thorough and well written efforts I have seen.  I happen to know he does this for many kids every year which takes a tremendous amount of time but also lets him get personal insight into the school experience of a variety of kids.  To us, that time commitment is the only way to really get a good feel of the actual experience kids are having.

    Because of these reasons, the Hart Family will Support Anthony Boddie in his reelection campaign for the School Board in 2024.

The Hart Family

  • July 20, 2024

    My husband and I are part of a locally rare group, which is that we were brought up through the Fort Mill school district when Fort Mill only had one elementary, one middle, and one high school. We are proud graduates of Fort Mill high school. We chose to remain in Fort Mill and raise our children here because we truly believe it has the best school district around. Two of my children graduated from Fort Mill high school and one from Nation Ford.

    We met Anthony through mutual friends and I can't remember a school board member being more involved with the schools, the students, and community overall as much as Anthony. He finds a way to make each student (and parent) feel seen, heard, and supported.  He has an open door and really listens. Through participation of his Community of Hearts program, we have witnessed first-hand the impact Anthony has on this community through his generous spirit.  His actions demonstrate how invested he is in our students’ success and well-being, including tackling tough challenges head-on and taking bold action when change is needed.  

    We are proud to support Anthony for reelection to the Fort Mill school board. This town and school district means so much to us. We want to maintain the legacy of excellence and are confident in Anthony to carry this responsibility forward. Anthony has proven his dedication to this school district in so many ways. If you have not met him yet, the next time you are at a Fort Mill event, whether it be a play, a game, a recognition or award ceremony, or just time in the classroom, look into the audience and you’ll likely find him cheering, supporting, and lifting up your child and school. We are honored to know Anthony, and our community is lucky and blessed to have him.

The Middlekauff Family

  • August 4, 2024

    Anthony Boddie is a pillar of the Fort Mill community.  He works tirelessly to serve others, and his genuine concern for and love of this community and those who live in it knows no bounds.  He is deeply invested in our community, especially its youth.  He can be found at every FMSD event, regardless of school or grade level, cheering on students, talking with administrators, and inviting comments, questions and observations from the public.  He does this is not for the purpose of self-promotion, but as a way to get a true sense of how this community feels, what this community needs, and how he can help.  Anthony is selfless with his time and devotion to our school district, and I cannot think of someone better suited to serve on the Fort Mill School Board.  Voting for Anthony Boddie is a no brainer!


    The Clendening Family

The Clendening Family

  • August 4, 2024

    My name is Patrick Sizemore and I have known Mr. Anthony Boddie for over a decade. I have had the privilege of knowing his family almost since the birth of my now 14-year old daughter. Our families have attended many Fort Mill School District functions together, enjoyed meals, volunteered, celebrated many accomplishments, cheer for our own children and those of our community beside one another.

    I know Anthony to be a dedicated public servant whose heart is with the mission of creating an ideal school district for our children. Whether he is in the stands, on the field, the court, the track, in the office or in the classroom with or for our children, he is passionate about the keeping Fort Mill on of the best school districts in the country. He exudes a competitive spirit and desire to see the district reach high standards while celebrating successes along the way in its many forms. Whether that be an engaged administration and staff to a broadly accomplished student body. I can personally attest that he listens to our experienced teachers, encourages our new and current staff, administration and children with an authentic heart.

    I and my wife, Laura stand behind Anthony Boddie for his reelection to school board. There is no doubt that his energy and heart is focused on keeping excellence in the schools of our district which we are deeply passionate about. Anthony has my vote. We are fortunate to have him serve and expect that he will continue to be an asset to our community.

The Sizemore Family

"I can personally attest that he listens to our experienced teachers, encourages our new and current staff, administration and children with an authentic heart."

The Sizemore Family

  • July 22, 2024

    My husband & I bought a home in Fort Mill to be near our granddaughters.  We have attended numerous school functions throughout the years because of the girls.  It was at one of these functions that I met Anthony Boddie.  I found him to be extremely friendly and very interested in the Fort Mill schools.  Before retiring, I had worked in education for 39 years as a teacher and administrator.  Anthony and I had a natural connection and have enjoyed many conversations about education.  I can state without reservation that I have never known a school board member who is as visible and approachable as Anthony Boddie.  I have come to expect to see him anytime I am attending a school event. While at school events,  he can be seen engaged in conversations.  He truly cares about making decisions in the best interest of all children. He talks with parents/guardians and is interested in their input.  Fort Mills School District of is fortunate to have such a caring school board member!

Martha Land, FMSD Grandparent

  • July 21, 2024

    Anthony Boddie is an asset to Fort Mill. His passion and involvement in the surrounding schools is evident in the classroom and every sporting event in town. His enthusiasm in cheering for students and genuinely getting to know the parents is remarkable. He is a fixture at every Fort Mill sporting event even traveling to watch our daughter and the NAFO swim team for their state meet in Columbia, and Charleston. He really cares about the students and their success. We personally have had the pleasure of Anthony cheering on our 2 kids Emily and Alex and wanting to know more about them than just the sport they play. We have witnessed him interact with many students giving them encouragement or a friendly handshake. He provides a sense of comfort to families and especially the students, always wanting to improve their educational experience. Our son Alex, a rising senior at NAFO, recently had the pleasure of talking with Anthony about his plans for the future. Alex was blown away by the amount of time and interest he had in his education and what he likes to do outside of the classroom. He really cares about the students and helping them succeed. Because of all of this and more, The Eaton family supports Anthony Boddie’s reelection for the school board.

The Eaton Family

  • July 21, 2024

    Anthony Boddie has the leadership experience we need for the Fort Mill School board. I’ve had the privilege of knowing Anthony for many years and know he has a heart for the community. I have seen with my own eyes Anthony’s engagement this last session. As a volunteer coach for the NAFO boys tennis team, it is so encouraging to see Anthony show up at our matches. He is intentional about encouraging the boys and letting them know that he and the school board work for them. I have three fort mill school district grandchildren who have benefited by Anthony supporting their band concerts, theater productions or sporting events. This is indicative of a leader who leads from the ground up.

    Anthony’s leadership is also being felt as he serves our community as the Chairman of the Board for Defend The Fatherless. This organization serves the foster and adoptive communities giving them a reason to say YES to foster and adoptive care. I have had the opportunity to serve under Anthony’s leadership this past year. He takes this leadership role very seriously and I can say when he makes a commitment he fulfills it. This is a great leadership attribute we will continue to need on our Fort Mill School Board. I fully endorse Anthony Boddie for Fort Mill School Board!

James Holt, FMSD Grandparent, NAFO Coach, Defend the Fatherless Board Member

  • July 21, 2024

    For the past seven years my husband and I have managed a local charity (The Giving Porch) that gathers and channels needed resources to underserved community members. Anthony Boddie and I met years ago while volunteering for the Community Cafe Food Truck. Anthony was integral to its success -- bringing resources to food-insecure pockets of the community. His ability to immediately connect with the youth who visited the truck and assure their caregivers that he was genuinely interested in their other concerns was just the beginning of our years-long collaboration.

    We felt honored to help gather furniture, clothing, and household goods for the people served by Anthony's Community of Hearts initiative. His ability to mentor his young volunteers, serve as a model for meaningful community involvement, and recognize the needs of our neighbors who struggle daily is inspiring. His and our outreach projects have melded into a common mission -- lessening the stress felt by neighbors who need help caring for their families while preserving their dignity.

    We have lost count of the number of compliments lavished on Anthony by our neighbors whose children are on school athletic teams. Attending every game and awards ceremony, Anthony has taken his school board responsibilities to heart rather than just adding the position to his resume. He is quick to publicly recognize the hard work and dedication of our youth as they strive to achieve both their athletic and future academic goals.

    With hope for the future of our youth, we heartily encourage you to support Anthony Boddie’s desire to remain on the FMSD school board.

The Thornton Family

  • July 26, 2024

    "Our family has known Anthony for around 10 years. My husband first met him at the annual Father’s Day golf tournament in our neighborhood. Within 15 minutes of meeting Anthony, my husband knew this was someone he could quickly be come friends with. Anthony is the type of person that whether you see him every day, or once a month, you can always pick up where you left off. He leads with a servant heart and has a passion for making the community, schools, and people he serves better. He truly cares for the schools, teachers, and students, and he is a tremendous asset to making Fort Mill School System one of the best in the state. Ours schools are better because of Anthony!"

The Long Family

  • July 24, 2024

    Anthony Boddie is incomparable. He is a man who stands out while he stands behind the students in this school district and stands up for their best interests. He has a clear vision for our schools and pairs it with his abilities and talents to influence success. He sets goals, focuses on the needed changes and uses every possible resource to achieve those goals. All the while he is building positive relationships in the community and measuring up to the high standards required of his position. More than anything, AB shows up. You can see him at nearly every function schools can host from sporting events to family nights to graduations and band concerts. The man is everywhere. He makes sure the community knows he is present, paying attention and has a strategy to work for a better future for our children. He loves the kids, the teachers and is sincere in the quality connections he makes with everyone he meets in the community. The Albert family is proud to support him in this and every endeavor AB is working toward. 

The Albert Family

  • July 24, 2024

    I am happy to endorse Mr. Boddie for FMSD school board. As a parent of a senior, I appreciated that he went out of his way to support our daughter’s pursuit of higher education by writing her a glowing letter of recommendation. He reached out to her schedule an interview to understand her goals and... He also continues to follow up regularly with her when he sees her in the community. Mr. Boddie is often seen in attendance at student sport team games and is highly approachable to students and parents. I believe keeping him on the school board is keeping a community advocate for parent and student voices on the board.

The Koehl Family

  • July 25, 2024

    "I have had the privilege of serving with Anthony on the board of a local non-profit that is committed to supporting under-resourced and vulnerable children in York County.  I have also come to know him as a neighbor and friend. As an educator and clinician who has spent her career working with school systems, and as the parent of three children in this community, I believe in Anthony.  He is fully invested in promoting the success of all students.  He is not one who sits on the sidelines and talks the talk. Rather, he is a leader who digs deep to comprehensively understand issues and remains tirelessly engaged in the real work.  He is guided by a powerful ethical compass, unique insight and humility that are essential to the composition of this school board."

The Southern Family

  • July 23, 2024

    When he walks into the gym, you can't help but smile. Anthony "AB" is like the "Norm" of the gym; He walks in and all heads turn to greet him with a "hey AB." He always checks in with each of us to see how we are doing on a personal level, asks how my kids are doing in high school and college and shows genuine care and concern for everyone he speaks with. That is "AB." 

    On Monday mornings during the school year, I never have to ask AB what he did at the weekend. I know. I have seen on Facebook exactly where he has been and at what FMSD event he has been to. Whether it's here in Fort Mill, Columbia or anywhere else in the state, Anthony has been in attendance. From swim meets, to basketball games, lacrosse, cross country, football games and every other sporting or school event in between, he has no favorites; He is at them all. Anthony is there not only to represent the school district but to cheer on our kids. Truly one of a kind. I have never seen anyone dedicate so much time to our kids and to the FMSD. 

    Having lived in Tega Cay for over 15 years and raised 2 kids in the Fort Mill School District, we have seen tremendous growth in the district. Fort Mill has always had one of the best school districts in the state and we need to keep it that way. We are proud to support Anthony for reelection to the Fort Mill School Board. Anthony Boddie truly has shown his compassion and dedication to FMSD and the children it serves. 

The McCann Family

  • August 11, 2024

    Anthony is a true Pilar of our community.  Our family has had the pleasure of knowing the Boddie family for years.  Anthony is a familiar face at any and all school sports events.  He is invested in making Fort Mill the best it can be.  He has a genuine and true passion to serve the community.  Anthony cares about our teachers, children and community and is eager to do whatever it takes to make Fort Mill the best it can be!

The Noonan Family

  • July 24, 2024

    My name is Amanda Burtner and I am writing on behalf of my friend Anthony Boddie, who is a candidate for a second term with the Fort Mill School Board.  I currently have two children in high school in the Fort Mill School District.  I have had the pleasure of knowing Anthony for many years now.  My early encounters with him were in the community setting with a local outreach program.  Anthony has always had a strong commitment to serving the Fort Mill community in any capacity and now that has extended to our local school board.  He exemplifies what the ideal candidate is and should be for the board.  Not only does Anthony have an impeccable business background, but he truly invests wholeheartedly in all of our students.  I know from personal experience that he goes above and beyond to be present at as many school functions as possible.  He makes every effort to get to know as many parents and students as he can and wants to know their story.  He listens to concerns from both parents and students alike.  I can vouch for this because he has gotten to know my daughter over the course of this past year as he has talked with her at many school functions.  Anthony would also reach out to me with a phone call and follow up after seeing my daughter.  I think that speaks volumes for a school board member to reach out to me as well as many other parents in our district.  I strongly support the second term for Anthony as school board member and look forward to what the future holds for our school district.  I am proud of our district’s commitment to our students and community and I am proud for Anthony Boddie to continue his term with our school board.

The Burtner Family

  • July 23, 2024

    Back in 2020 while attending a girls soccer game at Catawba Ridge High School with my son who was a freshman at Catawba Ridge High School and my daughter who was a 6th grader at Banks Trail Middle School and my wife, we had the utmost pleasure meeting Anthony Boddie.  While standing watching the game Anthony introduced himself to my family and I.  Not knowing who Anthony was at first, after several minutes or talking with him I quickly realized how passionate he is about everything he does.  From his family to his work, to the Fort Mill School District to his passion for golf, it all truly shines through.  As the game went on, he took time to stop and introduce himself to practically everyone that passed by.  He continually asked me and others questions to help find out more about who we are, where we’re from and how he can help the school district in any way possible.

    As several months passed, he ran into my son at the YMCA gym while working out and called him by his name and started up a conversation with him like he knew him for the last 10+ years.  My son came home after that encounter and said, “Do you remember that gentleman that we met months ago at the girls’ soccer game, he came up to me and we had a great conversation while I was working out”.  Anthony made an ever-lasting impression on my son in a very positive manner.  My wife works in the Fort Mill School District and when Anthony walks the halls of the school where she works, he always takes the time to stop to chat with her about how things are going and if he can assist in helping make things better.

    Anthony has made improving the Fort Mill School District his top priority.  We proudly support Anthony for reelection to the Fort Mill school board.  We have the confidence that Anthony will do what’s best for the district including, the students and staff.  I have never seen a school board member so involved at all levels and wanting to hear from everyone that he comes in contact with. He asks about their experiences and how he can help make things better.  He truly is what the Fort Mill school district continues to need.

The Root Family

"He is not one who sits on the sidelines and talks the talk. Rather, he is a leader who digs deep to comprehensively understand issues and remains tirelessly engaged in the real work."

The Southern Family

  • August 9, 2024

    Our family moved to Fort Mill, SC in 2007.  We were influenced strongly by close friends and our realtor that the schools were top rated in the State of South Carolina.   Fast forward 17 years later, we have a Son who graduated Nation Ford High School, a Son who is a Senior at Nation Ford High School and a Daughter who is in 8th grade at Springfield Middle School.  Our experience from Sugar Creek Elementary to Springfield Middle School to Nation Ford has been phenomenal.  This is all in part to a very supportive School Board who works hard to maintain our superiority.    

    We met Anthony thru mutual friends several years ago at an event in Fort Mill.  Since that time, he has earned our upmost respect and trust thru his work not only as a Board Member for the Fort Mill School District, but also thru his efforts and leadership at other non-profit organizations, such as Defend the Fatherless.

    We are impressed with Anthony’s continued support and dedication to our Fort Mill Teachers, Staff and Administration.  We see Anthony in person and/or on social media at school events across Fort Mill, whereby he consistently provides positive feedback and recognition to those involved in all areas of Education and student activities.   

    He has personally played a role in our children’s lives and we strongly encourage everyone the opportunity for him to do the same for you.  We are very fortunate to have Anthony on our Team in Fort Mill as we continue to one of the most sought-after school districts in the State and in the Nation!

The Lindenberg Family

  • August 10, 2024

    My name is Kristin Arnold and I am writing about Anthony Boddie, who is running for a second term with the Fort Mill School Board.  I have 1 child in the Fort Mill School District. I’ve known Anthony for about 5 years and in that time I’ve watched him support and encourage the students and faculty in the FMSD. He’s an avid sports fan, showing up for pretty much every sport at every middle & high school sometimes traveling to away games. He makes sure to acknowledge the hard work and dedication the young athletes show on and off the court (or field or track). He’s community focused and has his pulse on the needs and concerns of the community as a whole. A few years ago he became aware of a group of people in a community that had needs for furniture and other household items and he arranged to have these donated items picked up and delivered to these homes. He recruited neighbors to help in this endeavor and many families were impacted by his selfless service. He is a very positive and supportive representative of the school board and is one of the kindest and caring people I’ve ever met. For these reasons, I highly recommend Anthony Boddie for a second term on the school board. 

The Arnold Family

  • July 31, 2024

    I first met Mr. Boddie at one of my cross-country races during my senior year. He was a regular presence at every meet and most other events in the Fort Mill School District.

    His approachability and strong support for me as the Student Body President at Nation Ford High School was remarkable. From our initial introduction, we quickly connected and had numerous conversations about my personal and professional aspirations. He never failed to come up to me at events and ask me how I was doing.

    Mr. Boddie has consistently demonstrated his dedication to the success of both the community and the students in the Fort Mill School District. His commitment is evident through his engagement in all school events, his extensive support for student leaders, and his genuine interest in fostering personal and academic growth among students. I am fully supporting and encouraging others to vote Mr. Boddie as he runs for school board again.

Hannah Clark, Former Student Body President at Nation Ford High School

  • July 20, 2024

     I have lived in Fort Mill for 9 years and both my son and daughter graduated from  Nation Ford High. We moved here in 2015 when my youngest started 5th grade so  I have been a part of the elementary, middle and high schools. 

     As an Army family we moved from east coast to west coast and back again. I  choose this lovely little town and this wonderful school system because of what it  had to offer my family. With all of our military relocations were used to  investigating and volunteering in the education of our children. Not only do I live  here but I am a real estate advisor so I have the privilege of helping others find  their next place to call home.  

     I met Anthony through a neighborhood event shortly after finding a home here. I  love that I had the opportunity to know him as a neighbor and friend before  knowing him as the hard working/dedicated school board member he is today.  Anthony Boddie wanted to give back to our community by helping make our  schools better. His investment in our children and their education has been a  huge influence in the positive movement forward. He went in to this job with  issues that he wanted to address and change for a more positive impact on our  kids and their learning environment. Not only did he say he wanted to make a  difference, I have seen him make a difference. There are many that talk about  what they want to do or accomplish. There are few that work hard to get tasks  done and Anthony Boddie is one of these few. Words let us know intention but  action gives results. Mr. Boddie is a man of action. Fort Mill is blessed beyond  measure to have him working for us and fighting for our childrenʼs future.

Jennifer Powell

  • August 1, 2024

    Anthony Boddie is a name synonymous with character and community service. I first met Anthony in 2020 during his first campaign for Fort Mill School Board. At the time, I worked for Fort Mill Schools and I knew of Anthony because of a family connection that went back 25 years. Anthony’s reputation for hard work and community involvement preceded him, but I did not personally know him. I reached out and told him that I would like to meet to discuss his goals for our school district. After spending several hours getting to meet the man, AB, it was clear that his vision for improving our schools to make Fort Mill better for students, staff and parents was exactly what our school board needed. You see, AB’s vision included boots on the ground – his boots. I am the parent of 3 Fort Mill graduates. Over the past 4 years I personally witnessed the impact that AB has made on our student athletes. I watched the student’s reaction to his presence at games and meets from 2020 to 2024 evolve from strange stares and chatter about who is this official looking member of the school district to the hugs and high fives, talks about races and questions about performances. One thing is certain – our student athletes now know why AB is there – to cheer them on like no school board member ever has before! AB is such an incredible connector for this community. He builds relationships with students and parents, and it is through those relationships that he builds connections to fill in the gaps in our community. He enlists the help of these same student athletes to serve as manpower for community members in need. 

    As the parent of a senior who was pursuing an athletic scholarship, I personally witnessed Anthony’s strategic plan to walk alongside my daughter to ensure she had covered all the bases to accomplish her goal. He gave her homework and scheduled a meeting and personally sat down and interviewed my daughter in order to write a thorough and thoughtful letter of recommendation on her behalf.  That a school board member, who has a very full schedule, outside job and family of his own, would take the time to sit down 1:1 with our students to make sure they are in a position to win at their next adventure is just amazing.

    Not only did AB sit down with my high schooler, he also interviewed my older daughter, a graduate of Fort Mill High School, and soon to be senior Bio Engineering student at Clemson, with the sole purpose to learn what our school district did well to prepare her for college and also to listen and learn what Fort Mill Schools could have done to make her transition to college even better.

    I have personally witnessed the care and commitment that Anthony has for our students, staff, parents, coaches and community. I look forward to walking beside AB as he continues his work to make Fort Mill Schools a better place to grow, learn and live, and he has my full support as a Fort Mill School District Board of Trustee.

The Miserendino Family

  • August 6, 2024

    My family has known Anthony for the past couple of years. It is heartwarming to see him around town visiting schools, showing his support wherever he can. It is also great to have someone who will take the time to listen to your concerns and help you navigate accordingly.

    We highly endorse Mr. Boddie for his return campaign.

The Robinson Family

  • August 6, 2024

    My husband Adam and I have three children and have lived in the Fort Mill community for  over twenty years. Over that period of time, we have seen the district evolve immensely  and have observed many board members come and go as part of the Fort Mill School  District. None of them stand out to me in the way that Anthony Boddie has over his past  four years of service as a Trustee on our board. 

    Our oldest child Ella graduated from the district this year and is headed to College of  Charleston in the fall. Our younger two children, Taylor and Claire, remain in the district as  students who are very involved in sports and all aspects of what the schools offer. As a  parent and former teacher, I am particularly invested in the kind of person I want to elect to  represent our family, and our entire school community. 

    The candidate I look for must have their pulse on the school community. It is essential that  it is someone who not only knows the issues our community faces, but who makes  themselves available for the people they represent. This person should know the  constituents on a personal level, so that they are taking into consideration those people when leading and making important decisions. 

    Mr. Boddie possess those characteristics and so much more. He has taken a personal  interest in our family and has gotten to know us on a deeper level. When he learned of  Ella’s aspirations to go to College of Charleston and ride for their NCAA equestrian team,  he spent hours getting to know her so that he could write her a personal college  recommendation letter to support her efforts for admissions to the school. He cheered on  our seventh grader Claire, as she helped her high school golf team make it to the state  finals. He watched our eighth grader Taylor, and her middle school soccer team clinch the  district title. He attended Ella’s NCAA signing ceremony to support her when her dreams  became a reality and made special efforts to find her during the graduation ceremony to  offer his congratulations on her accomplishments. 

    Mr. Boddie is no doubt invested in the people he represents. He has earned our vote  (including Ella who will vote for the very first time), and I sincerely hope you give him the  opportunity to earn yours as well. I’m confident that you will feel the same as we do upon  meeting and getting to know this incredible asset to our community!

The Collins Family

  • August 1, 2024

    Supporting Anthony Boddie for re-election to the Fort Mill School Board is essential for the continued excellence and growth of our district. Anthony is a visible and active presence at athletic events, demonstrating his commitment to celebrating student achievements and fostering school spirit. His frequent interactions with students reflect his genuine care and investment in their well-being and success. Anthony’s vision of prioritizing children every day ensures that our policies and initiatives are always geared towards enhancing their educational experience. 

    Anthony’s leadership is marked by his dedication to listening, asking insightful questions, and providing robust support for students, teachers, and parents alike. He is approachable and open, making sure to consider the voices of the community in every decision. His proactive approach to addressing concerns and finding solutions has significantly contributed to the betterment of our school district.

    Under his guidance, Fort Mill schools have continued to thrive, and re-electing him ensures that we maintain this positive momentum.

Adrienne Young, RHSD Asst. Principal, Former FMSD Guidance Counselor

  • July 29, 2024

    My family and I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Boddie at a marching band competition in the fall of 2023. Three of our children were a part of the Nation Fort High School Band program.  My husband and I and our youngest daughter volunteer with the hospitality crew the keep the kids fed and hydrated.  On that day last fall, we were so impressed that a school board member was willing to give his time to learn more about our high school marching band program, something that is very close to our hearts.  Mr. Boddie talked to us at length about our experiences with the band program and also our experiences in the Fort Mill School District.  He spoke with our directors and the other volunteers.  Most impressively he spoke with many of the students and asked questions about their schooling and he listened intently.  One of these students was my son who was a senior at the time.  Mr. Boddie was so encouraging in talking about future college plans.  He offered to get to know our son better and write a letter of recommendation for his college applications.  We were thrilled at the prospect of that.

    Mr. Boddie came to our home and sat with us for hours getting to know our son.  He really listened and learned about our son’s interests and aspirations.  This meant so much to our family.  We feel very lucky to have met him at that band competition.  It led to a nice friendship with a very generous man.  He then wrote a lovely letter that truly described our son. 

    Since then, I have seen Mr. Boddie at several school events.  I have seen him at the elementary school and at the middle school awards program. I have seen him at several sporting events cheering in the crowd. He was at Nation Ford’s high school graduation congratulating the students as they beamed with pride.  Having four children in the Fort Mill School District, we attend many events and we run into our favorite school board member more times than not.

    We are proud to support Mr. Boddie for re-election.  We feel he is the perfect candidate for the job.  He is passionate about supporting and listening to our students and their families.  We are lucky that he is willing to devote his time to this very important role.  We will be voting for him and will also encourage those who have not yet had the pleasure of meeting him to learn more about him and all he has done for our school system and to vote for him as well.  

    The Messinger Family

The Messinger Family

  • August 6, 2024

    In the recent years that I’ve known Anthony, he has consistently demonstrated unwavering enthusiasm and dedication to the great people of Fort Mill, SC. Our first meeting was at a softball game, and from that moment, it seemed like I would see him at countless events thereafter, always there to support our Fort Mill youth. Anthony made an outstanding first impression on my family, and he has continued to deliver on that initial promise of dedication and commitment ever since.

    Anthony's extensive knowledge of our community is truly impressive. He possesses a deep understanding of the issues and needs of Fort Mill, and if he ever encounters a question he can't answer, he will go out of his way to find someone who can. Moreover, Anthony's presence at community events and his willingness to engage with residents showcase his commitment to making Fort Mill a better place for everyone. He always has a smile on his face and approaches every interaction with a genuine interest in others' well-being. His ability to connect with people from all walks of life is a testament to his character and dedication.

    Anthony truly has the best interest of our children and the community at heart. He is a tireless advocate for the youth, consistently showing up to support their activities and champion their causes. His dedication to our schools and his vision for their future make him an ideal candidate for the school board.

    The future of Fort Mill is very bright if we continue to elect people like Anthony to be a part of our school board. His commitment to listening, learning, and engaging with the community will undoubtedly lead to positive changes and improvements in our school system.

    Anthony, keep up the great work that you do. My family truly appreciates all your efforts and the positive impact you have on our community. 

The Burney Family

  • August 5, 2024

    We moved our family to Fort Mill in 2008 for the same reason so many families have moved here—because of its award-winning public school district. The population growth we’ve witnessed over these 16 years has created incredible challenges for our school district, yet our schools and our students continue to thrive due in no small part to the efforts of school board members like Anthony Boddie.

    We became acquainted with Mr. Boddie because he regularly attends our son’s cross-country and track meets. We learned quickly that he shows up because he truly cares. Mr. Boddie quickly learned our son’s name, regularly checks in with him about his goals, and is always happy to speak with us about our son’s athletic and academic future. He would be the first person we’d contact if we had a concern about our school district because we are confident he’d listen carefully, consider deeply, and help where possible.

    As a public school community, we must elect school board members who listen to the students and community, research the evolving needs of public schools, and envision changes that best support student learning. We need our board members to hold themselves, other board members, and the district accountable. And we need board members who truly want to build relationships with parents and the community while advocating for students and celebrating their successes. Anthony Boddie IS that school board member, and we heartily support his re-election to the Fort Mill School Board.

The Teubner Family

  • August 1, 2024

    It is with great enthusiasm that I endorse Anthony Boddie for reelection to the school board of the Fort Mill School District. Throughout his time as a trustee, Mr. Boddie has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our students and staff. His presence at every meeting and event underscores his dedication to our educational community.

    What sets Mr. Boddie apart is his ability to ask insightful, thoughtful questions that get to the heart of the issues we face. As a dedicated observer of our board meetings, I have found that his questions are consistently probing and reflect a deep understanding of the issues at hand. His inquiries go beyond surface-level details, delving deeper to uncover solutions that truly benefit our students and staff. This approach has fostered a culture of transparency and progress within our schools.

    Mr. Boddie is not only a reliable presence but also an advocate for meaningful change. His engagement reflects a profound understanding of the challenges we encounter and a genuine passion for supporting our educational environment.

    Mr. Boddie attends numerous school events with genuine enthusiasm and support, this is where I originally met him. Whether cheering on our athletes, applauding our band performances, or celebrating the achievements of our theater students, he is there, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to all aspects of student life.

    I wholeheartedly support Anthony Boddie for the Fort Mill School District school board and believe he will bring the same level of dedication and insight to his role, ensuring that our schools continue to thrive.


    Carrie Seekings

    Mom of 6, 25 years in the FMSD

The Seekings Family

"We learned quickly that he shows up because he truly cares. Mr. Boddie quickly learned our son’s name, regularly checks in with him about his goals, and is always happy to speak with us about our son’s athletic and academic future. He would be the first person we’d contact if we had a concern about our school district because we are confident he’d listen carefully, consider deeply, and help where possible."

The Teubner Family

  • August 5, 2024

    We have known Anthony for almost 10 years now and absolutely consider him family. He has a passion and commitment for our community and children that are unmatched with many considering him a mentor and motivator. Having served in our community in various capacities he has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities our schools face. Anthony has a genuine interest in promoting excellence in education fostering a positive learning environment and someone we need on our school board to advocate for students, parents and educators. Anthony Boddie has our full support of re-election as we are confident that he will continue his genuine commitment to the success of our district and continued growth of our children.

The Rogers Family

  • August 2, 2024

    My name is Beth Kowalczik and I am writing on behalf of my friend Anthony Boddie, who is a candidate for a second term with the Fort Mill School Board.  I currently have 2 children in the Fort Mill School District.  I have known Anthony for almost 20 years.  Throughout this time, I have seen the many ways that Anthony has personally been involved with making this community a better place.  Early in our friendship, he would go around the neighborhood and collect furniture and other donations from neighbors that they didn’t need any more.  He would then find families in need of those items.  He spent many hours doing this, several weekends a month.  When Anthony ran for the Fort Mill School Board 4 years ago, his motto was “Listen, Learn & Engage”.  I believe that Anthony’s actions over the past 4 years have completely embodied his motto.  He has been extremely visible & active in the school district, supporting hundreds of different school events across the district over the last 4 years.  He actively engages with members of every school in the district.  His compassion for the students shows up at every event he attends.  He not only attends these numerous events, but also develops relationship with the students at these events, becoming one of their biggest advocates/supporters.  Many of the students have even asked him to write college recommendation letters for them. Based on what I have seen, I strongly support Anthony Boddie for a second term with the Fort Mill School Board. 

The Kowalczik Family

  • July 22, 2024

    Thirteen years ago, our family walked our then four-year-old twins into Sugar Creek Elementary. Now rising seniors at Catawba Ridge High School, it’s hard to believe our time in the district is coming to an end. We’ve known Anthony “AB” for many of those years, and we can say undoubtedly that his unwavering dedication and community engagement are unparalleled. Anthony's consistent presence at most every sporting event across the district showcases his commitment to our students' extracurricular success. His dedication extends beyond the sidelines; he tirelessly writes recommendation letters for our seniors, helping them pursue higher education at four-year colleges. His hands-on approach, accessibility to students and parents, and genuine care for our students' futures will forever hold a special place in our family’s hearts. He is an asset to both our district and community.

The Vining Family

  • August 1, 2024

    I am honored to recommend Anthony for his exceptional dedication to our community. I have had the privilege of working with Anthony on numerous charitable projects, including the Forest Hill tutoring program during COVID, the Community Café to feed those in need, and Defend the Fatherless, which supports foster families.

    Anthony's commitment to education, compassion for the vulnerable, and support for fostering families have made a significant impact on our community. His tireless efforts and genuine care for others are truly inspiring. Our community is fortunate to have him as a member of the board of education.

The Burroughs Family

  • August 7, 2024

    When I pick who we want on the School Board I look for someone who is invested in our community and is doing all they can to be involved in improving our community.  This is why almost 5yrs ago I asked Mr. Anthony Boddie if I could have one of his signs for my yard. He was already invested in our community.  I asked everyone I knew to please vote for him.  Mr. Boddie is the most involved School Board member we have or have ever had.  He visits classrooms, goes to sporting events, plays, band concerts and competitions, is a judge for teachers who ask…and writes the most beautiful recommendation letters for graduating seniors.  When I say he is involved I’m not talking about around time to vote…he is at a school or two almost five days a week.  As a parent it was wonderful to see him show up at my sons sporting events, even the out-of-town State Championship play offs. Often you will see Mr. Boddie and his family cheering for the students.   I am excited to vote for Mr. Anthony Boddie again. 

The Nicoll Family

  • July 31, 2024

    The Clark family is fully supporting Mr. Anthony Boddie in his re-election for the Fort Mill School Board. Over the past four years, while our daughters attended Nation Ford High School, we've had the pleasure of getting to know Anthony personally. We've seen firsthand how dedicated he is to understanding and supporting the students, parents, teachers, and administration of every school in the Fort Mill district. Whenever we see him at school events or out in public, he always shows a genuine interest in our kids' academic and athletic progress. His passion for Fort Mill is evident in the way he engages with students, whether in the classroom, on the athletic field, on the band field, or on the stage. 

    Even though our daughters have graduated from the Fort Mill School District, we will continue to support Anthony as a leader in our community. We hope the students and parents in the district have the chance to experience the same positive interactions we've had with him. We want them to feel heard, valued, and excited to be part of this wonderful school district.

The Clark Family

  • August 4, 2024

    On behalf of our family, we are writing to wholeheartedly endorse Anthony Boddie for the Fort Mill School Board. We have known Anthony for many years and can confidently say that he embodies the values of trustworthiness, reliability, and commitment. As a dedicated Christian and devoted family man, Anthony’s character aligns closely with the values our family holds dear. 

    Anthony’s steadfast commitment to doing what’s best for our children is evident in every aspect of his life. He is always taking action and engaging with our kids by attending school functions and athletic events, demonstrating his genuine care and support for their growth and success. His unwavering dedication to the community and our shared principles ensures that he will make decisions that prioritize the well-being and future of all students in the Fort Mill School District. 

    With Anthony Boddie on the school board, we are confident that our children will continue to benefit from his strong servant leadership style and moral integrity. He has our full support, and we encourage everyone to re-elect Anthony to ensure a brighter future for our Fort Mill schools and most importantly the children of our wonderful community."

    The Hopkins Family:

    On behalf of our family, we are writing to wholeheartedly endorse Anthony Boddie for the Fort Mill

    School Board. We have known Anthony for many years and can confidently say that he embodies the

    values of trustworthiness, reliability, and commitment. As a dedicated Christian and devoted family

    man, Anthony’s character aligns closely with the values our family holds dear. 

     Anthony’s steadfast commitment to doing what’s best for our children is evident in every aspect of his

    life. He is always taking action and engaging with our kids by attending school functions and athletic

    events, demonstrating his genuine care and support for their growth and success. His unwavering

    dedication to the community and our shared principles ensures that he will make decisions that

    prioritize the well-being and future of all students in the Fort Mill School District. 

    With Anthony Boddie on the school board, we are confident that our children will continue to benefit

    from his strong servant leadership style and moral integrity. He has our full support, and we encourage

    everyone to re-elect Anthony to ensure a brighter future for our Fort Mill schools and most importantly

    the children of our wonderful community.

The Hopkins Family

  • August 8, 2024

    Anthony Boddie is the epitome of a servant leader. We have known him for over 10 years, and have been impressed with his willingness not only to get involved and volunteer in our community, but to actually take ownership and lead the way. We have seen his passion for serving our community through leading Community Café which delivers warm meals to depressed people around York county, Defend the Fatherless,  and the Community of Hearts Project. I’ve had the pleasure of serving along side of him, and it’s amazing to see the rapport he has with people from all walks of life.  Anthony also saw a need through this experience and started an initiative to collect donations where he saw a need. Every other weekend he rallies a group of volunteers and picks up furniture items, clothing, home goods, etc. There are so many people in our neighborhood who want to help others, but just don’t quite know where to start, and he has made that simple for everyone, and just took the time/resources to make it happen. He takes initiative, and leads! I've also witnessed him volunteering at our church, Forest Hill Fort Mill in several different areas. I'm not sure how he squeezes 28 hours into 24, but somehow he makes it happen. I know that even with all he has on his plate, if I were to call, he would pick up the phone. He thrives off serving others. My husband and I are both small business owners in Fort Mill and we have 2 boys ages 13, 16 that attend FMMS and Nation Ford High School. Our boys know Anthony, or AB as they call him, and I'm sure most kids in our district know him as well. He shows up to all the athletic events to show his support. We would be thrilled to have Anthony  re-elected, as we know he has everyone’s best interest at heart. He is relatable, authentic, he’s the real deal! 

The Lapointe Family

  • July 31, 2024

    Our endorsement for Anthony Boddie includes a special appeal to senior citizens to vote, even if you no longer have students living in your house.

    My husband and I are the grandparents of four current Fort Mill public school students and one FMHS graduate. We believe a strong educational system is vital to the future of our country, and that means leaders and educators who are forward-thinking and engaged in their community. Anthony is an excellent and respectful listener.  He is willing to consider all sides of an issue and seek consensus in reaching solutions.  Most incredibly, we have noticed that Anthony is “everywhere” when supporting the students of Fort Mill.  From track and field meets to swim meets, from basketball and football games to elementary and middle school events, Anthony is there, chatting with students and parents.  He has also written numerous college recommendations for Fort Mill students and continues to keep in touch with many of them.

    As a public school teacher for 33 years, I recognize a leader who has a heart for service and the work ethic and integrity to ensure that our students receive a quality education.  Therefore, we support, and hope you will vote for, Anthony Boddie for the Fort Mill School Board.

The Wilson Family, Grandparents to Students in the District

  • July 28, 2024

    As a seventeen year resident of Fort Mill, South Carolina, parent of a 2024 Fort Mill High School graduate, and CEO of a nonprofit that educates teens and young adults on healthy relationships, I look to partner and support community leaders who have a sincere passion for children and concern for providing a quality education for all. Anthony Boddie is that leader.  

    He is a demonstrated leader with a desire to serve children and the community and a strong belief in the value of the Fort Mill School District. He and his family are long-time Fort Mill residents and understand the community’s values, wishes, and challenges. As an advocate, he actively and effectively represents the school district's interests. As a team player and change maker, he successfully builds and maintains relationships with the community and provides opportunities for students to grow in a real-world context. 

    Boddie understands that involving the community and stakeholders helps to make decisions for the school district that are in tune with local values and needs. He recognizes that Fort Mill School District is considered one of the largest businesses in town and that the board is responsible for ensuring that business is well-managed.

    For these reasons and more, my family and I support Anthony Boddie for reelection to the Fort Mill school board. We want continued growth under his leadership on the board, which has led this community to the educational success we see today.

Sherill Carrington, CEO, Jamie Kimble Foundation for Courage

  • July 31, 2024

    My husband and I have lived in Fort Mill for over 17 years and are raising our two children who are high school (Nation Ford) and middle school (Pleasant Knoll). We are highly invested in our children’s education and keeping the standards of excellence in the Fort Mill School District. This is even more important as our town grows.

    We met Anthony at the YMCA several years ago. He is someone who always greets you with a smile and a friendly hello. Anthony has a commitment to this community like no one we have ever seen. If you are out and about in Fort Mill, odds are you will see him!  He has an interest in how our schools operate; his  curiosity in how our students are learning and growing academically is genuine.  He supports teachers and staff as we grow at a rapid rate by offering support and a listening ear. As parents, we feel heard and supported. 

    Outside of academic support, you will always see him at sporting events. He cheers on our student athletes and just seeing him, you know you have someone pulling for the team and a win! 

    We need someone who is as dedicated and driven as Anthony. We proudly support Anthony for his re-election to the FMSD Board. 

The Mayes Family

  • July 31, 2024

    I have known Anthony Bodie for over 10 years. His daughter and my granddaughter have been friends since daycare and are now rising ninth graders at Nation Ford High School.

    As a retired teacher, I continue to be interested in what happens and who serves in our Fort Mill School District.   Anthony Bodie (AB) has proven himself to be a good servant of our schools as well as in our community.  He looks to find where he can contribute best to impact lives for the better.  In our schools, it comes down to our children, our future.   That’s where I look for results!   Fort Mill continues to grow and we need workers who are intelligent, caring, fair people like AB. 

    I am proud to be a friend and supporter of Anthony Bodie.

Kathy Sizemore, Former FMSD Teacher

"Under his guidance, we have seen significant improvements in both academic performance and school environment. His ability to unite various stakeholders—teachers, parents, and community members—has fostered a collaborative atmosphere that benefits our students and supports our educational goals."

The Petri Family

  • July 29, 2024

    We wholeheartedly endorse Anthony Boddie for reelection to the Fort Mill School Board. Anthony exemplifies dedication, commitment, and a genuine care for our community. Despite his numerous responsibilities as an account executive and a devoted family man with a wife and a rising ninth-grade daughter, Anthony has tirelessly served on various local charitable boards and committees, such as the Anne Springs Close Greenway, Defend the Fatherless, and Forest Hill Church. Since joining the school board in 2020, he has been a constant presence in the lives of students across the district. Whether it’s a major sporting event or a milestone school activity, Anthony is always there, showing his support and encouragement.

    Our personal experience with Anthony is a testament to his remarkable dedication. Our eldest daughter was a four-year varsity runner at Nations Ford, and Anthony attended more than 40 of her cross country and track events over her four years. His presence wasn't limited to just our family; he showed the same level of commitment to many other sports and schools across the district. When it came time for our daughter, Mia, to apply for college, Anthony offered to write her a recommendation letter. He spent two hours on a weekend interviewing her, resulting in the most thorough, sincere, and well-thought-out recommendation letter we had ever seen. Anthony's tireless, dedicated, and thoughtful nature makes him an invaluable member of the school board. We recommend him for a second term without reservation.

The Royall Family

  • July 30, 2024

    I met Anthony years ago when he was looking to dive deeper into his already immense list of community service projects.  As the executive director at Defend the Fatherless, Anthony was coming to me to ask questions regarding leading a charitable organization. Even our short encounter over breakfast made an impact on me and it was months after that meeting, that I approached Anthony about sitting on the board of directors at Defend.  Anthony has served as chairman of the Board for nearly two years and in that time he has proved his strong passion for the mission of caring for vulnerable children and families in York county and beyond.  He leads the organization with thought and care and takes his leadership role at Defend the Fatherless very seriously.  He has strategically grown our board of directors over the past year in a way that brings our organization a diversity of skill set and thought unlike any other board that I have encountered.  Anthony has used his strong presence in the community to help raise awareness of the crisis that is Foster Care that is impacting York county.  

    In addition to working alongside Anthony on a professional level, I have gotten to know Anthony through his role as a school board member.  I currently  have three children in the Fort Mill School district.  I see Anthony at many sporting events and extracurricular activities.  Without fail, he always walks up to my children to ask how their day has been and dives deeper into asking questions about their experience at each of their individual schools.  Anthony truly asks the questions needed to ensure the betterment of the educational experience our students are having.  Without a doubt, I know that Anthony Boddie will continue to be a strong advocate for the students, parents and staff at the Fort Mill School District. 

Caitlin Sund, Executive Director of Defend the Fatherless

  • August 12, 2024

    I have gotten to know Anthony over the past several years as we have crossed paths in the community.  Any time I have questions or thoughts about the schools he is always willing to hear me out and answer my questions.  I also regularly see Anthony at school sporting events supporting the student athletes.  We will be voting for Anthony again this fall so that he can continue the work he is doing on the Fort Mill School Board.

The McNaughton Family

  • July 29, 2024

    A school board member is a champion for both people and efficient systems. Anthony embodies these qualities and more.

    I first met Anthony while participating in a volunteer opportunity through his organization, Community of Hearts. He has a genuine heart for others and chooses to use his time towards service. Anthony is all in! Families across the Fort Mill school district will attest to his active presence both in the school and at a wide variety of school events. My twin boys, Parker and Gregory, enjoy seeing him regularly at Fort Mill Elementary School.

    We worked together in his business, Culture Tree Consulting. The initiative was to partner with company leaders to identify opportunities and develop customized trainings. He has a strategic and creative business mind, as well as a vibrant presence that fosters an environment of collaboration. As a school board leader, he would continue to take the time to listen, and advocate for the values of students and faculty.

    Like a Lego, Anthony effortlessly connects people and resources empowering others to use their skillsets for purpose. He’s a man of both dedication and action, and I’m confident he would continue to serve our families and teachers well on the school board.

Julianna Parker

  • August 12, 2024

    My husband Fred and I have two sons who attended, graduated from, and benefited from their education they received from the Fort Mill schools.  I was employed by and just recently retired from the Fort Mill School District working for seventeen years while volunteering at our sons’ schools  for many years before becoming an employee.  Fred presently serves on the School Improvement Council for one of the elementary schools.  We have known Anthony Boddie as a friend and School Board Trustee for many years.  He exemplifies the very best by supporting the interests of our students, teachers, and staff.  He is visible at nearly all events and competitions both near and far.  We have seen, firsthand, how proactive Anthony is.  He listens and then takes action.  He is attuned to the needs of the Fort Mill School District and has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our schools.  

    Anthony has a genuine interest in promoting continued excellence.  He is a great communicator and has a wealth of experience leading our district.  He has both the vision and skills necessary to significantly contribute to the improvement and growth of our Fort Mill School District and the Fort Mill community.

    We encourage everyone to cast your vote to reelect Anthony Boddie for School Board Trustee.

The Bruce Family

  • July 31, 2024

    Anthony Boddie demonstrates everything necessary to keep our schools and community running in the right direction.  We’ve worked firsthand with Anthony in a few community projects, donating time and resources to those in need – he always finds time to donate to worthy causes no matter the size.  Through the years of being fortunate to call Anthony a friend and neighbor, I’ve witnessed his fervor for our community, its schools, and most importantly the families and children in it.  Anthony is always seeking feedback on concerns and experiences from current and past students and their families, keeping the education and safety of our future leaders at the forefront.  In these times of continued change, it’s important to keep a proven dedicated, passionate, and thoughtful leader with a voice of reason on our school board. 

The Thomas Family

  • August 12, 2024

    I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Anthony Boddie's re-election to the Fort Mill School Board. As a parent and coach I have had the pleasure of working closely with Mr. Boddie and have witnessed firsthand his remarkable leadership, unwavering commitment to the community, and profound dedication to our students.

    Anthony Boddie’s leadership on the school board has been nothing short of exemplary. His strategic vision and thoughtful decision-making have been instrumental in driving positive changes within our educational system. Under his guidance, we have seen significant improvements in both academic performance and school environment. His ability to unite various stakeholders—teachers, parents, and community members—has fostered a collaborative atmosphere that benefits our students and supports our educational goals.

    Mr. Boddie’s impact on the community extends far beyond his official duties. He has been a relentless advocate for equitable resources and opportunities for all students, ensuring that every child has access to a high-quality education regardless of their background. His initiatives have led to increased funding for under-resourced schools, the implementation of new support programs, and the creation of partnerships with local organizations that enhance student learning and engagement.

    Perhaps most importantly, Anthony’s dedication to our students is evident in everything he does. He consistently prioritizes their needs, whether through championing innovative educational practices or by actively listening to student concerns and feedback. His hands-on approach and genuine care for student well-being have made a tangible difference in many young lives. Anthony’s focus on creating a nurturing and inclusive environment is a testament to his belief in every student's potential and his commitment to their success.

    In conclusion, Anthony Boddie’s leadership, community impact, and unwavering dedication to students make him an invaluable asset to our school board. I wholeheartedly recommend his re-election, confident that he will continue to serve our educational community with the same passion and effectiveness that have defined his tenure.

    Thank you for considering my strong endorsement of Anthony Boddie.

The Petri Family

  • August 8, 2024

    It would be hard to find someone more dedicated to the students of the Fort Mill School District than Anthony Boddie. Whether he is cheering for Fort Mill athletics from the sideline or giving his time and talent to local charities, his enthusiasm is unmatched. Anthony not only has the knowledge, but the heart, to continue making Fort Mill schools stronger.

The Creech Family

  • July 31, 2024

    The Allen family is happy to support Anthony Bodie for re-election to the school board. Anthony is hard working, passionate about helping others, and absolutely the right man for job. He has our vote!

The Allen Family

  • August 11, 2024

    Our family has had the privilege of watching Anthony Boddie over the years support so many kids, parents, coaches and programs within the Fort Mill School district.  We have always been so impressed with how encouraging he is to all around him.  Both of our children can recount many times they have seen him cheering our teams on, doing good in our community and pushing for a higher standard.  We give our full support to Anthony and applaud him for the work he has done and will continue to do for all.

The Land Family

  • July 31, 2024

     I am proud to know Anthony Boddie. He had my support four years ago and has it still. As I have watched my four grand daughters participate in their elementary, middle, and high school activities, there is one common occurence. Anthony is there! He’s in the bleachers, on the sidelines, and in the auditorium. He’s GOOD at cheering, congratulating and supporting. But, that is not all, he’s BETTER at communicating with students, parents, staff and even grandmothers like me. And BEST of all, we know he’s in the trenches with us, celebrating our successes and listening to our concerns.

Kate Chaney, FMSD Grandparent

  • August 8, 2024

    I've known Mr. A.B. for, honestly as long as I can remember. I have always seen him at events in our neighborhood. The first time I remember really meeting him on a personal level was when my mom signed me up to volunteer at the Community Cafe. It was a really cool experience to be able to help other kids. It made me realize that there are people right here in our community who need assistance with basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter.  I was impressed that he organized it all and it made me want to do more. I can honestly say the only school board member I know is Mr. A.B. I see him at all the athletic events cheering on the teams. He has been very supportive of the Nation Ford High School Golf team. Several tournaments he has even walked the entire round with me. I really appreciate how involved he is with us. He tries to get to know us on an individual level and that means a lot! Can't wait to see him out at all the games and tournaments this upcoming year! Thank you Mr. A.B. for all you do for our schools and community!

Harrison Lapointe, NAFO Senior

  • July 31, 2024

    Acting as Buzz, the beloved Fort Mill High School mascot from April 2021 until I graduated on June 1, 2024, I recall seeing Mr. Boddie at countless Fort Mill High School events as well as FMSD events such as the Literacy Event at the Greenway over the years. Whether it was on the sidelines of Fort Mill High School football games, soccer games, basketball games, cross country events at the Greenway, or away State championship games, Mr. Boddie has always been there cheering on our school athletes. Amazingly, I almost always spotted him at our school events wearing Yellow Jacket gear. However, one time, while I was in the Buzz costume, I was appalled to see Mr. Boddie in a NAFO hat and I playfully removed it and threw it on the sidelines. Graciously, Mr. Boddie laughed it off. It was only after that event, I was informed Mr. Boddie takes time out of his busy schedule to attend all kinds of sporting events to cheer on all Fort Mill School District athletes. Many people, including me, are unaware that Mr. Boddie is the proud father of a NAFO student. Mr. Boddie has been an incredible supporter of all FMSD students during my time as Buzz. As an eligible voter in the 2024 election, I will be making an informed decision and can confidently endorse Mr. Anthony Boddie because he faithfully supports ALL Fort Mill School District students.

Roman Phillips, FMHS Graduate & Mascot

  • August 7, 2024

    Chris and I have known Anthony for several years and have enjoyed watching his role in our community expand. He’s always been passionate about helping people, so his election to the Fort Mill School Board four years ago was a natural progression. Anthony’s interest in the students, educators and parents is genuine. Whether he’s attending athletic events or visiting our schools, Anthony is fully invested in making FMSD a model school district in South Carolina. For this reason and many others, we wholeheartedly support Anthony in his re-election bid for school board. 

The Backeberg Family

  • August 12, 2024

    My name is Stephanie Honeycutt and I am writing on behalf of my friend, Anthony Boddie, as he runs for his 2nd term on FM school board. Currently, I have two children in the FMSD, so these local elections are very important to me. I’ve known Anthony for several years and for all of those years, he has been a servant leader who is passionate about the people and the community. Before he was on the school board, he was very active in the community, acting as a conduit for people looking to get rid of large furniture items and helping find them a home with someone in need. Since being on the school board, he is even more involved with the community. Every time I call or text him, he always responds and is usually at a school event (or going to, or leaving). He is passionate about these kids in the district and it shows in every conversation he has, every relationship he’s built, and every action he’s taken. One of my favorite stories was having my daughter come home when she was in elementary school, saying how she saw Mr. Boddie in her class that day as he was on a tour. She was so excited, she yelled out in class, “Hey Mr. Boddie!” Based on what I have seen and experienced in my interaction with Anthony, I strongly support him for Fort Mill School Board. 

The Honeycutt Family

  • August 12, 2024

    We have had the pleasure of being neighbors and friends with Anthony Boddie and his sweet family for many years now. His genuine love for our community is evident in his everyday life from showing up and engaging in school and sporting events to giving back to the underserved in our area with food, supplies and other donations.  

    We are proud to support Anthony for reelection to the Fort Mill School Board.  Our children, teachers and community would be very fortunate to have him serve another term!

The Cordell Family

  • August 12, 2024

    I am honored to endorse my good friend and neighbor Anthony Boddie to represent the Fort Mill School District. Anthony and I first met at one of my sons High School Cross Country meets in the fall of 2021. Being new to the community, he took the time to introduce himself and get to know myself and our family. Over the last several years he has been extremely supportive of my son along with multiple schools and students in our area. He has demonstrated an exceptional ability to connect with students, parents, teachers, and administrators alike. He has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the improvement of our schools and neighborhoods. Anthony exemplifies the spirit of service and leadership that our school board needs. His firsthand experiences and deep-rooted connections within our community make him uniquely qualified to represent the Fort Mill school district. 


    I wholeheartedly support Anthony’s candidacy for the school board and believe he will make a deep and lasting impact within our educational system and community.

The McCaskill Family

  • August 6, 2024

    I met Anthony when he was seeking election for his first term to the Fort Mill School Board.  He exemplifies what we want, as parents, in the community because he engages and actively listens to anyone who reaches out to him. He is only a phone call away and is willing to listen objectively, he is friendly and open to discussion about concerns parents have.  I know that if I ever have questions or concerns or want to voice my opinion, he is there to discuss my concerns and really hear what I have to say.  He is reasonable and I believe his actions are representative of what he feels is fair and right.  Anthony is ever present within our school communities.  I regularly see se him around extracurricular school events, not just attending but really engaging with the athletes and students along with their parents.  I have heard from him regularly throughout his term, just to touch base and engage with me to listen to what might be affecting my family.  I am proud to say he continues to earn my vote for another term on the Fort Mill School Board.

Robin McInnis

  • August 13, 2024

    I have known Anthony for several years and I am proud to call him a neighbor and a friend.  I have seen him hard at work improving our community with many different projects and donations.

    When Anthony sets out to do something, there are no underlying reasons other than it is the right thing to do.  His contributions to our community are not driven by politics or to benefit a selfish need, they are driven by his heart and his love for our town and its people.

    As a member of the Fort Mill School Board these last four years, I have witnessed Anthony be a great advocate for our students, parents and teachers.  Our town is growing and changing and so are the demands on our schools.  

    If you attend any school activity, be it a football game on a Friday night, a soccer game in the spring or a debate, Anthony is always there, cheering on our students and supporting them.  He is always willing to listen and provide guidance.

    Vote for Anthony Boddie for FMSD Board of Trustees so he may continue doing great work.

The Ripkey Family

  • August 13, 2024

    Our family is very excited that Anthony Boddie has decided to run for reelection for the Fort Mill School Board. My family moved to Fort Mill in the Fall of 2020 and we met Anthony about a year later.  At first, we were wondering who this person was that we kept seeing in the community and at different sporting events.  Once we got to know Anthony, it was clear the love that he had for the town of Fort Mill and our School System.  

    Looking back, Anthony picked a very difficult time for a volunteer role like this one.  Our nation struggled to find a way to keep our kids in schools.  We moved from Illinois where some kids lost almost 2 years of in person education from 2020-22.  Anthony and the Board worked tirelessly to look out for the best interests of our teachers and our kids.  Their efforts should be loudly applauded because as time plays out, it appears that Fort Mill did what was right in putting education first.

    The more we have gotten to know Anthony, he is one of the most selfless people I know.  He has helped 100s and kids with their college applications by writing recommendations.  These letters are customized to the kids and takes time to sit down and get to know the student via multiple meetings before he puts pen to paper.  It is that kind of effort and care that keeps FMSD one of the top districts in the State.  He also has his own daughter entering freshman year in High School.  We need people on our Board who are currently living through what all parents are experiencing.  He is always willing to listen to topics of concern and follows through which is a refreshing trait in today’s world. 

    Having 3 of our own children in Fort Mill Schools along with 5 other Schwede nieces and nephews, we fully endorse Anthony Boddie for the Fort Mill School Board!

The Schwede Family

  • July 23, 2024

    Eight years ago, my family searched throughout the greater Charlotte area for our future home and ultimately decided on living in the Fort Mill area for one main reason- the strong school system. My children had wonderful experiences at Tega Cay Elementary, Gold Hill Middle School, and now Fort Mill High School. A school system is only as strong as its school board. It’s imperative that we have school board members that truly put the students first, as well as support the teachers and families. 

    My daughter has been active in the Cross Country and Track & Field programs for the past several years. It’s through sports that we first met Anthony Boddie. From walking the cross country courses to standing at the track fences, Anthony is proudly cheering on the athletes. His dedication to the student athletes and their families is unparalleled. He is one of the most boisterous supporters! Anthony really takes the time to get to know the athletes and their families. I recall joking with him once about how busy he is. ”When do you sleep,” I asked. 

    Anthony’s support extends beyond the sports fields. He visits classrooms, listens to teachers and students, and volunteers in the community. Anthony works continuously to support the Fort Mill community, students and parents alike. In today’s political climate, running for a public position is not for the faint of heart. Anthony Boddie has a passion to serve his community. He is a selfless public servant and we are blessed to have him serve on the school board. My family proudly supports Anthony and his reelection bid. 

    Melissa & Jason Cleveland

The Cleveland Family

  • August 14, 2024

    Look up “servant leader” in the dictionary and you’ll see a picture of Anthony Boddie.  If you don’t, you’ll at least see a partial description of who he is.  Let me fill in the rest . . . I’ve never met anyone more genuinely passionate about serving his community than AB.  And rest assured, he doesn’t do it for ego or a resume builder . . . he truly CARES!  We (and our children) have been fortunate that he chose the Fort Mill School Board as part of that calling the last four years, and I am thrilled that he has decided to seek the opportunity to serve four more.

Mike Metzger

  • August 19, 2024

    My wife Sarah and I have 2 elementary school age boys and have lived in Fort Mill for a little over a decade. Our children were born and raised here, and hopefully will graduate from a Fort Mill school one day, so we have a vested interest in seeing the district flourish over the long term as the area continues to grow.

    Four years ago, I wrote about a testimonial about specific service event that Anthony coordinated prior to becoming a school board member and how inspiring his genuine care for our community was to me. After watching him tirelessly serve our community since becoming elected, I spent about an hour thinking about all of the examples of consistent effort I have personally seen him put into the role, the personal sacrifices, the genuine concern he has for not just the students, but local families as well, the time spent making personal connections, and it’s too much to read so I think I just have to boil it down to you can always count on Anthony to show up. It’s not just specific examples of all the sporting events and other extracurricular activities he attends, or even the time spent interviewing hundreds of students to write personally tailored letters of recommendation, but he genuinely shows up to actively listen without judgment, and learn with true curiosity, and then engages with compassion in everything I have seen him do….. especially when it comes to serving the children in the community and helping to create an environment where they too can discover their “why” and become the next generation of leaders to their full potential.

    When it comes to picking a steward for our children’s future, and how important it is, I can think of no one more committed to giving to the community than Anthony. Please vote to let him continue to serve the community in this role.

The Whelpley Family

"After watching him tirelessly serve our community since becoming elected, I spent about an hour thinking about all of the examples of consistent effort I have personally seen him put into the role, the personal sacrifices, the genuine concern he has for not just the students, but local families as well, the time spent making personal connections, and it’s too much to read so I think I just have to boil it down to you can always count on Anthony to show up."

The Whelpley Family

  • August 25, 2024

    My family and I moved to Fort Mill in 2017. We have four children and two of them have attended FMSD schools. Over the years, we've experienced first-hand the strength of our school district and the community that supports it. 

    As parents who are actively involved in our children's education, we pay close attention to who serves on the school board. We also notice the qualities that make an exceptional school board member. 

    We want someone who not only supports initiatives that uphold the high standards of our schools but who also understands the diverse needs and backgrounds of our students. We also believe that effective school board members support our teachers and administration in preparing students for wherever their paths may lead them after graduation—whether it’s entering the workforce, joining the military, or pursuing higher education. 

    Anthony Boddie exemplifies these ideals and Fort Mill is fortunate to have him serving our community. His extensive involvement gives him a unique perspective on the experiences of our students and the concerns of their parents. We’ve witnessed his dedication firsthand; he is a constant fixture at school events, whether it’s sports, arts, or other extracurriculars like Model UN. 

    His presence is felt across the district, and his support is unwavering. We often see him at cross-country meets, where he knows dozens of children by name and greets families with warmth and encouragement. His consistent support is remarkable, and it’s clear that he cares deeply about the students he represents. 

    One particular instance that stands out to our family is when Mr. Boddie took the time to write a letter of recommendation for our daughter Ella. She noted that he truly remembers the interactions he has with students and is very intentional with his words and actions. This personal touch is emblematic of who he is—a conscientious supporter who makes decisions not based on abstract ideas but with specific people in mind, including our children and family. 

    I wholeheartedly encourage you to vote for Anthony Boddie. 

    He epitomizes what it means to be an active and empathetic public servant. He is exactly the type of person we need on our school board, and I am confident that you will feel the same way once you meet him and experience his dedication to our community. 

    Rebecca Richardson & Chris Kanute

The Richardson Family

  • August 28, 2024

    For more than 15 years, our family has formed a close bond with the


    family. During the last four years, we've witnessed Anthony's dedication and commitment to the Fort Mill schools flourish. Anthony has raised the bar on what it means to be a school board trustee by proactively supporting parents, students, teachers, and administrators. He actively engages with the community by showing up at sporting events, school events and even in classrooms during his school visits. By being involved in the community, listening, and learning, he can lead with unique perspectives and a deep understanding of our community's needs and concerns. Every citizen in Fort Mill is a stakeholder in the success of our schools, and Anthony understands that. Voting to re-elect Anthony to the school board is an easy decision for us. We are "all in" with AB!

The Talley Family

  • September 3, 2024

    I've known Mr. Boddie, or AB as I like to call him, for as long as I can remember. Our families have been friends since I was in daycare. I have so many great memories of going on family trips to theme parks with AB, where he always made sure to win prizes for his daughter Addison and me at the carnival games. We've shared so many laughs and meals and even rode the same water ride over and over again! Every time I see AB at church, he gives me a big hug, and it's clear to me how much he cares.

    When AB shows up to my soccer and basketball games, I know he isn't there just as a board member but as someone who genuinely cares about me. I am thankful that he supports me and my teammates not only at sporting events but also wants to see us succeed in the classroom.

    Though I'm not old enough to vote yet, I believe that AB is the perfect person to serve on our school board in Fort Mill. If everyone in Fort Mill wants someone who genuinely cares about the students and their community, then they should definitely be voting for AB!

Taylor Talley

  • September 9, 2024

    As a teacher with over a decade of experience in this district, I can wholeheartedly attest to the exceptional qualities of Anthony Boddie. It has been a genuine pleasure working with him. His unwavering commitment to putting students first is evident in every action he takes. Mr. Bodie has made it a priority to visit my classroom multiple times, engaging directly with students and immersing himself in their learning experiences. 

    His visibility in the community, especially at sporting events for all three high schools, underscores his dedication to our students and athletes. He doesn't just attend these events; he takes a personal interest in the well-being and success of our students, which speaks volumes about his genuine care.

    Furthermore, Mr. Boddie is highly attuned to the concerns of teachers. He listens thoughtfully and works diligently to provide balanced solutions that address both the needs of our students and the challenges faced by educators. His ability to navigate these needs while keeping the best interests of children at the forefront is truly commendable.

    In all my years in education, Anthony Boddie stands out as advocate for our students and a supportive ally for educators. His positive impact on our district is both profound and deeply appreciated.

    Joanna Barney

The Barney Family

  • August 31, 2024

    In 2020 we gave our endorsement for Anthony Boddie for school board. One of the many reasons we knew Anthony would be perfect is because he shares our values and passion for educational excellence. We knew he would leverage his leadership acumen, creativity, drive, and collaboration skills to ensure our schools continue to be among the very best in the nation. We strongly believed he would unlock the potential in all students while dealing with the continued growth our district continues to experience.

    We were right! Over the past 4 years, Anthony has done everything he promised to do and so much more.

    It gives us pleasure to once again enthusiastically endorse our dear friend, Anthony Boddie, for the Fort Mill School Board. We have known Anthony for over 20 years, but we are certain you have come to discover for yourself that Anthony possesses the dedication, experience, and vision needed to continue to make a significant positive impact on our schools. His commitment to our community and the education of our children is world-class.

    One of the qualities that truly sets Anthony apart is his commitment to “SHOW UP”. He shows up for our teachers, administration and families, but, most importantly, he shows up for our kids. There are countless times we have been attending events and functions for our three kids - sporting events, concerts, awards ceremonies, you name it - we look up and see Anthony there cheering them on just as loudly as we are. Our kids have only known him as Uncle AB since birth, but we know he cares as deeply about the success and well-being of all the amazing students in our great schools as our own.

    We believe in Anthony’s vision for our school district, which includes unifying and stewarding our district through its next phase of growth, ensuring success for all, and prioritizing safety. His dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive educational environment will continue to benefit all students, teachers, and parents.

    We whole-heartedly endorse Anthony Boddie for the Fort Mill School board and encourage you to support his candidacy as well.


    Torrey and Kendra King

The King Family

  • September 6, 2024

    My name is Arlethia Hailstock and I am the proud parent of two former students in Fort Mill School District. My youngest just graduated Nation Ford in June of this year and I’ve come to know Anthony Boddie quite well over the past couple of years. Starting with just a chance meeting at a Nation Ford football game, my family’s interactions with Mr. Boddie have illustrated his commitment to service and dedication to continuous improvement of the experience of all young people in our schools. 

    I chuckled when I saw Mr. Boddie wearing a NAFO shirt, Fort Mill hat, and Catawba Ridge pin, ever mindful to enthusiastically represent all three high schools at local and statewide athletic contests. Always the listening ear, my conversations with Mr. Boddie have ranged from concerns about how to best serve students in the classroom, in sports, and the personal wellbeing of my own two boys. He has followed up with me by phone on issues at times when he hasn’t had a ready answer upon first broaching an issue. 

    My husband and I chose Fort Mill when we moved to the Charlotte area 17 years ago primarily because of the academic reputation of the district. At times we’ve been happy with that decision and at other times we’ve questioned the wisdom of that choice. When engaging with a true servant leader, a strong example, and a committed, level-headed advocate for students and families like Anthony Boddie, we are certain that FMSD is strong and continues to move forward. My husband, our children, and I strongly and proudly support Anthony Boddie for a second term on the Fort Mill School District board. 

The Hailstock Family

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